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 HistologyBioBankingTissue ArraysVirtual Slide 
 HistologyBioBankingVirtual Slide 
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 Identify specimens Design tissue array Build tissue array Analyze tissue arrays Explore data 
   Build tissue array Analyze tissue arrays Explore data 
Tissue Array...

Tissue array is a technique that allows to deposit on one single slide many hundreds of tissue sections. It is a very powerful tool to explore tissues to discover and to validate new therapeutic markers identified by molecular methods such as DNA chips, mass spec, Q-PCR, laser microdissection. Tissue array allows screening large numbers of patients. Studies are far more statistically significant. Tissue array is also a very economical tool by reducing consumption of precious tissue specimens and reagents.
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Design your tissue arrays in few clicks! 

Designing a tissue array is a quite time consuming step during which you have to define the organisation of your tissue array as well as associate each position of this tissue array with a specimen ID and tissue type.
When there is no adequate software solution, Excel spreadsheet remains the only poorly ergonomic solution.
TMADesigner® 2 is software that allows you to design your tissue arrays in few clicks, from recipient block and tissue array map definition through to populating the map with chosen specimens.
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Extreme flexibility

TMADesigner® 2 manages various punch size from 0,6 mm up to 4 mm. You can adjust the density of cores, grid organisation, control and orientation cores.
You can also as simply define the different tissue types you want to collect from each specimen block as well as replicate number for each, within the same tissue array or in different recipient blocks.
The same scenario can be applied to all of the specimens or different for each specimen to fit precisely with your needs.
You can also choose to populate your tissue array map in a sorted or random manner so to reduce impact of edge effects.
TMADesigner® 2 allows adding new specimens to a current tissue array.
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Simplifying your tissue array data management
TMADesigner® 2 design procedure starts from an Excel list of specimen IDs and produces automatically another Excel spreadsheet cumulating all of the tissue array features: grid and spot number, X,Y position, specimen ID, tissue type and, if needed, as many clinical and pathological annotations as you wish. This Excel spreadsheet can be printed and used easily to construct your tissue array. It can also serve to register scoring information when analyzing the tissue array at the microscope.
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A convenient and economical solution for different tissue arrayers

TMADesigner® 2 is a convenient and economical solution to build tissue arrays on ALPHELYS MiniCore® as well as MTA1 Beecher or MTABooster®, MTA1 arrayer motorized by ALPHELYS.
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