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 HistologyBioBankingTissue ArraysVirtual Slide 
 HistologyBioBankingTissue ArraysVirtual Slide 
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Creating innovative solutions for
Research and Diagnosis on tissue
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Since 2001, ALPHELYS have been creating innovative solutions to improve quality and strongly increase use of tissue specimens in clinical and fundamental research, particularly in the fight against Cancer and neurodegenerative diseases.
ALPHELYS solutions allow to better master quality and performances at each step from tissue preparation until use in diagnostic routine or in research strongly adding value to tissue banks.

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Dec 16-18, 2010
Cairo, Egypt, XXII Congress of the International Academy of Pathology, Arab Division
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See our complete agenda.
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October 2010
ALPHELYS appoints IHC WORLD LLC, Woodstock, MD, as a non-exclusive distributor in UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. To contact IHC WORLD, click here.

The Tissue Arrayer MiniCore of 3rd generation is available ! Again more functional and easy to use.
Click here to discover the new MiniCore.

May, 2010
ALPHELYS appoints SOMAGEN, Edmonton, as its exclusive distributor in CANADA. To contact SOMAGEN, click here.

March, 2010
ALPHELYS appoints BIOS, Istanbul, as its exclusive distributor in TURQUIE. To contact BIOS, click here.

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(Last modified 31/01/2011)