Version française
Biobank Data Base
Rapid Tissue Freezing
Image Capture
Rapid slide scanning
Images Data Base
Virtual Slide Data Base
Tissue Array
All-purpose imaging software
Tissue Array
Tissues & Cells
Image Data Base Image analysis Cartography Applications
 SAISAM® : The Toolbox for Morphometry !
SAISAM® is designed as a toolbox to allow you to make very simply many kind of morphometry measurements and manual counting. SAISAM® automates the recording into tables of the measurements, eliminating the need for the tedious writing before transfer to electronic file.
Each tool is represented in the user interface as a single icon to ease its use. You can count (mouse clicks), measure straight or curved lines, draw squares, rectangles, circles or ellipses.
You can measure on an archived image or on a real time video display allowing you to do measurements all over your sample.
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Define the measurements

SAISAM® allows you to define every and each of the measurements you want to realise under a name. Each measurement realised will be then stored into tables in the lines corresponding to the right name thus strongly simplifying the use of these data.

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Exploit the results of your measurements

The realised measurements are automatically stored into tables. The data are then processed with simple statistics formula and can be displayed into graphs of various types.
Each table and graph can be readily exported to MS Excel or any other Windows application for further processing or insertion into a research report.
Images can be directly captured and easily associated with your results and reports. Images are easily managed with ARCHIMED PRO.
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