Version française
Biobank Data Base
Rapid Tissue Freezing
Image Capture
Rapid slide scanning
Images Data Base
Virtual Slide Data Base
Tissue Array
All-purpose imaging software
Tissue Array
Tissues & Cells
Distributors wanted
Morphometry Image analysis Cartography Applications
 ARCHIMED PRO® : Image Capture, Archiving, Processing
 Editing in one Product
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Image Data Base

ArchiMedPro® is an MS Access® based image data base which provides immediate visualisation of all the archived images. Speed of the data base is preserved by storing a permanent link to the full resolution images stored into a specific area of your disk for easy retrieval and backup. The organisation of the images and the data base is based on MS Windows® for simplicity. Any TIFF, JPEG or BMP images from scanners or cameras can be directly imported into the data base and be informed.
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Informative images

Each image can be associated with a list of fields that can be filled in by the operator upon his needs. Some fields are automatically filled by the application (image name, location, date, resolution...). Fields can be user-customized to fit with every day experiment needs.
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Easily accessed images

Each image can be rapidly retrieved thanks to the multi-criteria search tool. Each of the field content can be used as a search criteria.
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Instant images capture

Archimed Pro® can be interfaced with numerous analogic or digital cameras for bright field or fluorescence applications. Images are previewed in the live mode and are instantaneously captured and saved into the data base where a name is given to each of them by the user for easy tracking.
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Image annotations & processing

A full tools and filters box is provided for image annotation (text, drawings, arrows, lines, ...) and processing (contrast, noise reduction, colour adjustment...). The primitive image is kept unmodified. A button gives direct access back to initial image adjustments.
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Easy image comparison

The PortFolio function allows the user to open simultaneously multiple images for direct comparison for example at various magnifications, or various pathological stages. Images are simply moved by drag-and-drop from the data base, the live image section or the processing section to the portfolio.
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Image reporting

Rapidly create a report by drag-and dropping images directly into the report section. Images are automatically positionned. You can easily format your report to your need. The report can be copied to a Word or Excel sheet.
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Cartography importation

Archimed Pro® handles cartographies created with the Cartograph® module or the tissue arrays analyser Spot Browser®.
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To order

Archimed Pro®
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