Version française
Biobank Data Base
Rapid Tissue Freezing
Image Capture
Rapid slide scanning
Images Data Base
Virtual Slide Data Base
Tissue Array
All-purpose imaging software
Tissue Array
Tissues & Cells
Image Data Base Morphometry Cartography Applications
 HISTOLAB® : Get access to EASY Image Analysis !
HISTOLAB® is a software designed to give an easy access to image analysis tools for each of you at the lab for routine work. Forget complex endless menus, hard-to-read user's manuals and specialist's words ! HISTOLAB® allows you to do image analysis without the help of a specialist. Capture, archive, improve, detect, count, quantify, process, report and export....HISTOLAB® is a package of the mostly currently used image analysis tools at the Life Sciences Labs.
However if, despite our efforts, HISTOLAB® can't fullfil your needs, don't hesitate to contact us, we will be happy to develop for you dedicated applications for increased performances and low investment cost.
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Define the measurements

With HISTOLAB®, you can quickly and simply define what you want to analyse : zone of interest, cells, nuclei, structures, make counting, measurements, quantitations...Each measure will be associated automatically to the corresponding object defined earlier for a facilitated results processing.
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Define automated detection protocol

A tutorial window will guide you, with simple mouse-clicks and without programming, through the definition of the detection protocol of the objects to be analysed. This can be done either on an archived image or on a real time video image, allowing you to select various areas of your slide to improve the detection method. The detection protocol can be saved for repeated use. When an automatic detection can't work properly (too low contrast...), user may apply manual measurement or counting. The results will be automatically saved to a table in the same way as for the automatic detection.
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Improve images

HISTOLAB® provides a full palette of image improvement functions. These tools may be used to improve the image display for reporting reasons or to facilitate the automatic detection of objects by, for example, improving the contrast between objects to be measured and background.
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The automated detection

The automatic detection protocol may be applied to the whole image or to a selected zone. Multiple zones (ex. : normal tissu, pathologic tissu) may be selected and have their own measurements realised. The detection protocol can be applied to an archived image or a real time video image thus allowing you to make multiple measurements in various areas of your slide sample. Equally, working on a real time video image saves space on disk as only the data are recorded and not the images unless you want to keep them.
If you upgrade your microscope with an encoded or motorized stage, the software will recognize the actual position on the slide thus eliminating the risk for duplicate measurements on the same points. It also allows you to have a global overview (see windows in the image above) of the measurements made on your sample.
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Processing the data

The results are stored automatically into tables, are processed for statistics (average, standard deviation...) and graphs generation of different types.
Each table and graph can be readily exported to an MS Excel sheet for further processing or reporting. Captured images can be associated to the tables and graphs.
For many samples, a scanning detection protocol can be applied to automatically scan the sample and collect the data.
Contact us for specific applications.
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