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Biobank Data Base
Rapid Tissue Freezing
Introduction to Tissue Arrays
Ready-to-use Tissue Arrays
Design of TMAs
Tissue Arrayer MiniCore®
Analysis of TMAs
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Tissue Array
 The Tissue Arrays
Tissue Arrays : hundreds of tissue sections on one single microscope slide

The tissue array consists of building, starting from blocks of tissues embedded in paraffin or frozen, new blocks containing several tens to several hundreds of cores of these tissues in order to be able, after cut of these blocks of tissue arrays, to mount microscope slides displaying several tens to several hundreds of tissues.
The tissue array constitutes a new powerful tool for studies in post-genomic and post-proteomic validation.
You can build your own tissue arrays with the Tissue Arrayer.
Tissue arrays can be built starting from your own tissues under service contract.
Some tissue arrays are also available on catalogue although having a diversity and a richness less than the majority of the tumour libraries.
- Potentiate your tumour library in the research programs
- Easily consider studies on great numbers of tissues
- Improve the statistical significance of your research results
- Reduce your response time
- Make considerable savings on reagents
Potentiate your tumour library in the research programs

The transfer of your tumour library on tissue array allows to increase considerably its potential of use and spreading. Your tumour library is much more easily available in the form of slides comprising whole or part of your tumour library.
You can quickly and simply build various combinations of your tumour library in order to answer various problems: pathology at various stages, pathology at various individuals, various ethnic populations, different populations with therapeutic answer, various bodies at one or more individuals, etc. The combinations are limited by your experimental imagination and your needs. You master the use of your tumour library perfectly. Your blocks of tissues, rare and invaluable, remain in your laboratory, you avoid the accidental losses. The tissue array enables you to diffuse your tumour library in the format of glass slides, easy to transport and especially infinitely less consuming than using the original blocks. You master the quality of the tissues on which you will work. The tissue array enables you to obtain great numbers of slides (see Section Tissue Array section for more details) seriated which will display very close characteristics. You optimize your studies and facilitate the work of your partners by focusing the analysis on the most significant taking away in each one of your blocks of tissues. The traceability of the slides is finally easier to control than those of the blocks in the majority of the cases, and particularly in the case of old blocks files.
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Easily consider studies on great numbers of tissues

The use of tissue arrays makes possible studies on very large numbers of tissues without significantly expanding or changing your lab organization. You can still continue to use the same equipment and the same manpower.

Improve the statistical significance of your research results

The use of tissue arrays in your research and validation programs allows you to eliminate classical variation factors like inter-slide, inter-staining bath or inter-operator variability.
You can define experimental plans on very large numbers of tissues to increase the statistical significance of your results and avoid the mistake of conclusion based on a particular case.
You can define experimental plans in which all tissues to be compared are on the same slide. You can easily incorporate controls for staining, pathology grades, etc.
The interpretation of your tissues is easier and more rigourous.
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Reduce your response time

The tissue array allows you to simultaneously study multiple cases whithin a very short time frame compared to classical full section.
You can use tissue array for clinical studies or validations of new markers for clinical routine like antibodies newly introduced on the market. By this way, you can rapidly obtain accurate responses and make decisions far earlier to use new antibody for therapeutic treatment or routine diagnostic.

Make considerable savings on reagents

Protocoles that you classically use every day on your slides can be applied readily on the tissue array slides without modification. Do not change concentration nor volume of marker poured on the slide. From then, savings are considerable and directly proportionnal to the number of tissues in your tissue array. Large cohorte studies become possible with limited budgets.
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Imagine all the possible applications !
Few examples :

- Validation of genes or proteins identified during genomic or proteomic work ;

- Validation of new markers of tumour progression ;

- Development of new diagnostic IHC techniques ;

- Protein distribution studies in the whole set of body organs ;

- Correlation studies of new markers during tumour progression ;

- Histological studies on large population ;

- Correlation studies between therapeutic response and expression of some markers on a large population discriminated in sub-populations on DNA chips ;

- Correlation between chromosomal aberrations and proteins expression by IHC and FISH ;

Other ideas ?
More information. top of page